Abhi reviewed
Inspirit last week, and I'm pleased with it overall. (Honestly, I was expecting a lower score! lol)
Surprisingly (or not so much?), the suggestions he made were exactly what I've been slowly trying to fix- the placement of the search bar and changing my Feedburner counter to different color. I actually had them placed where he suggested
before their current positions, but it just didn't look right with the rest of the template, so I moved them to where they are now (and at the time of the review). I must agree it still looks a little off, but I'll be tweaking the template again this weekend (if I can find enough time). I have a couple ideas that may work.. I must say Typepad isn't quite as flexible with templates as I'd like it to be. But it provides everything else I need, so I can't complain too much. It's great for bloggers who don't have much time to bother with all the complexities.
And yes, I have some tweaking to do with that damn "About" column and the general column width. That irks me the most.. but again, as soon as I get some free time, I'll be playing with it again and trying to straighten it all out.
Thanks again, Abhi!